ClubManager 2.3 Manual


1. Setting up ClubManager
3. Adding members
5. Events
7. Renewing membership
9. Miscellaneous charges and refunds
11. Exporting mailing list
13. Backing up data
15. Printing membership cards
17. Receipt printers and cash drawers
2. The Setup menu commands
4. The booking chart
6. Merchandise sales
8. Accepting account payments
10. Reports
12. Exporting e-mail addresses
14. Networking ClubManager
16. Reminders

1. Setting up ClubManager

When you run ClubManager for the first time the program will lead you through the setup process. If you don't have all the information at hand you can quit the program and start again where you left off later. If you make a mistake you can fix it later by selecting the appropriate item from the Setup menu.

1.1 Club details
The club details will be printed on invoices etc. The only required field is the name of the club.

1.2 Date format
ClubManager allows you to choose dd/mm/yy or mm/dd/yy.

1.3 Taxes
You can enter up to 3 taxes which apply to your club activities. Select the number of taxes and indicate whether taxes are included in or additional to standard prices. Enter the name of each tax and the percentage rate and check the boxes to indicate that the taxes apply to membership fees, booking fees (eg court fees) and event fees. When you add merchandise to the system you can choose which of these taxes apply to sales.

1.4 Playing areas
If your club has playing areas (eg courts) which can be booked, set them up here.
Enter the name of the playing areas (eg court, table).
For each playing area, enter an identifier (eg 1, 2, 3, etc), the type of playing area (eg standard, grass, all weather - you can add a type by clicking on the Add button) and the cost per session for members and non members.
Select the opening times of the playing areas (or select 24 hours a day) and the select the standard session time (eg 30 minutes).

1.5 Membership types
You can add up to 30 types of membership (eg adult, junior, family). Enter the type of membership and specify how the membership runs (for life, for one year from date of joining, for a specified period). Specify how many adults and children are included in the membership. Enter the cost of membership (which will be an annual cost if membership is not for life). Enter 0.00 if membership is free. If taxes do not apply to certain types of membership, clear the appropriate check boxes. If this type of member does not pay booking fees, check the appropriate box.

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2. The Setup menu commands

2.1 Club details
You can edit the club details here. Please note that after registering the software you will not be able to edit the club name.

2.2 Date format
Edit the date format (dd/mm/yy or mm/dd/yy).

2.3 E-mail configuration
You need to configure your e-mail if you intend to send e-mails from ClubManager. The port number defaults to 25, you should not need to change this.

2.4 Membership types
2.4.1 Add type: allows you to add a type of membership.
2.4.2 Edit type: allows you to edit a type of membership (eg change the fee).
2.4.3 Remove type: allows you to remove a type of membership. You will not be allowed to remove a type if there are members of that type.

2.5 Name of playing areas
If you have not already set up your playing areas you must use this command to set up the name of the playing areas before adding playing areas to the database. You may also use it to change the name of your playing areas.

2.6 Opening times
Use this command to edit the opening times of the playing areas and the length of the standard session.

2.7 Password
ClubManager allows you to password protect the Setup menu commands so any unauthorized person cannot change the setup. Choose a password and enter it twice to confirm. After you have created a setup password you will need to enter it before accessing any of the Setup menu commands.

2.8 Playing areas
2.8.1 Add playing area: allows you to add a playing area.
2.8.2 Edit playing area: allows you to edit a playing area (eg change the fee).
2.8.3 Remove playing area: allows you to remove a playing area. If there are any bookings for this playing area they will be lost.

2.9 Print options
This allows you to set up the options for printing receipts. If you opt to print your logo on receipts, the logo should be a 24 bit BMP file named logo.bmp and should reside in your ClubManager folder. If you cannot convert your logo to 24 bit BMP format, please send it to GrenSoft and we will convert it.

2.10 Remove old data
After some time your data files might become large enough to slow down ClubManager. You can remove old data using this function. Specify the year prior to which you want all data to be removed. You cannot remove the current year's data.

2.11 Taxes
This allows you to edit any taxes which might apply to your club activities.

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3. Adding members

To add a member select Add member from the Members menu, click on the members icon on the toolbar or press the F2 key.

Select the membership type and edit the date joined and the membership period if necessary. If the type of membership allows family members enter their first names and date of birth (using the correct format, dd/mm/yy or mm/dd/yy).

Enter the primary member's first and last names, contact details, etc. The only required fields are the last name and the membership number. Specify whether the membership fee (if any) is to be paid now, has already been paid or will be paid later. If it is paid now you will be asked if you wish to print a receipt. If it is to be paid later the fee will go to the member's account balance. The membership number will be prompted by the program but you may override it if you wish. Duplicate membership numbers are not allowed.

To add a photograph of a member click on the Photo button. Click on Load image and select the appropriate image file. Resize and rotate the image if necessary to fit the frame. Click on Save image to save the photograph. The image can be created using digital camera, webcam or scanner. Portrait orientation is most suitable. To add photographs of family members click on the button with the + sign next to their name.

To edit the details of a member or to remove a member, first search for the member by selecting Edit member from the Members menu, clicking on the first binoculars icon on the toolbar or pressing the F3 key. Enter the membership number, the first few characters of the last name or the last four digits of the home phone number and select the member from the list.

You can now edit the membership details (but not the membership number). If the member has a balance owed you can view the credit history by clicking on the History button. If the membership is inactive or lapsed, check the appropriate box. To delete the member click on the Remove member button.

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4. The booking chart

After you have set up your playing areas (courts, tables etc) you can make bookings. Select Diary from the Bookings menu, click on the calendar icon on the toolbar or press the F6 key to display the diary.

Enter the date for which you wish to view the diary (which defaults to the current date). When the diary is displayed you can advance a day by selecting Next day from the Bookings menu, clicking on the right pointing arrow on the toolbar or pressing F7. To go back a day, select Previous day, click on the left pointing arrow or press F5.

To make a booking click on the required slot on the diary. Select whether the booking is for a member, non member or a club event.

In the case of a member, select the member. Select the booking period (which defaults to a single session) and choose whether this is a single booking or should be repeated. If there is a charge for the booking and it is to be paid immediately check the box.

If you have checked the box for the booking fee to be paud, enter the amount paid by the member if not the full amount. Any balance will go to the member's account.

In the case of a non member repeat the above process but enter the name of the non member and the contact details if required.

If you have checked the box for the booking fee to be paid the program will assume that the non member has paid the full cost of the booking.

In the case of a club event select the event from the list. Select the length of the booking and whether it is to be repeated.

To edit or cancel a booking, or charge for an unpaid booking, open the diary for the appropriate date. Then you can edit the contact details, change the playing area or change the time and period of the booking. Check the box if you wish to accept the booking fee (if any). You can also click on the Remove button to cancel the booking. If you cancel a booking the program will assume that any booking fee is also cancelled.

Bookings will be shown in red if they are unpaid or blue if they are paid or there is no fee.

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5. Events

To set up an event select Add event from the Events menu or press the F9 key. Enter the name of the event (duplicate names are not allowed), specify whether the event is a knockout, round robin or other type of event and whether it is singles or doubles. Enter the entry fee per player and specify the date when the event is due to be completed. Check the box if the event is open to non members.

To edit an event, select Edit event from the Events menu and select the event from the list. After you have added competitors to an event you will be unable to change the singles/doubles option.

To add competitors to an event select Add competitors from the Events menu. Select the event. If the event is open to non members you can simply type in the name of the competitor. To add a member, click on Find member and search for the member. If a member does not pay the fee at the time of entering, enter the amount paid (if any) and the balance will go to the member's account. The program assumes that a non member pays the fee in full at the time of entering.

To remove a competitor from an event select Remove competitors from the Events menu. Select the event from the list. Remove a competitor by highlighting the name from the list and clicking on the Remove button. Click on OK when you are finished. The program will assume that any fee has been cancelled.

To seed competitors in a knockout event, click on Seed competitors from the Events menu. Select the event from the list. Seed a player by highlighting the player in the list and clicking on the Seed button and selecting the seed number. You can remove a seeding by highlighting the player in the list and clicking on the Remove seeding button.

To produce a draw for a knockout or round robin event select Produce draw from the Events menu. Select the event from the list. In the case of a round robin, select the round which you wish to display. For a knockout, the first round of the draw will be displayed. You can print the draw by clicking on the printer icon on the toolbar.

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6. Merchandise sales

ClubManager allows you to sell merchandise. To set up stock select Add merchandise from the Sales menu, click on the racquet icon on the toolbar or press the F10 key. Enter a description of the merchandise, the unit quantity (you can leave this blank or enter a quantity such as dozen or can), the unit selling price, the quantity in stock, the reorder quantity (minimum quantity which you wish to maintain) and the stock number. The stock number is provided by the program but you can override this (you may wish to use the product code or barcode number). Check the appropriate boxes if taxes apply.

To edit or remove an item of stock select Edit merchandise from the Sales menu or click on the second binoculars icon on the toolbar. Enter the stock number or the first few characters of the description and select the item from the list. You will not be allowed to change the stock number.

To sell merchandise select Sell merchandise from the Sales menu, click on the shopping trolley icon on the toolbar or press the F11 key. If you are selling to a club member click on Yes and identify the member. The sales dialog box will appear. If you are selling to a non member the name is optional. Click on Add merchandise to sell stock. Enter the stock number or part of the description. Enter the quantity sold and the discount if any. To remove an item highlight the item and click on Remove. If you are selling to a member and he or she is paying less than the total, enter the amount paid and the balance will go to the member's account.

To cancel a sale click on Cancel sale from the Sales menu. Enter the transaction number (which defaults to the last sale). You can check the transaction number by running the report on Receipts -> Merchandise sales.

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7. Renewing membership

To renew membership select Renew membership from the Members menu, click on the green plus sign on the toolbar or press the F4 key. Identify the member. Enter the amount paid at the time of renewal; the balance will go to the member's account.

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8. Accepting account payments

To accept an account payment from a member, select Accept payment from the Members menu, click on the credit card icon on the toolbar or press the F8 key. Identify the member. The program will show the old balance and will prompt with the amount to pay if the member has a debit balance; you may override this amount. To view the member's account history click on the History button.

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8. Miscellaneous charges and refunds

8.1 To accept a miscellaneous charge, click on Miscellaneous charge from the Sales menu. If the charge is to a member click on Yes and identify the member. Select the type of charge. If it is for merchandise, identify the item and the program will prompt with the cost, which you can override. In the case of a member if the full amount is not paid enter the amount paid and the balance will go to the member's account. Enter any comments if appropriate.

8.2 To give a refund, click on Refund from the Sales menu. If the refund is to a member click on Yes and identify the member. Select the type of refund. If it is for merchandise, identify the item and the program will prompt with the refund, which you can override. In the case of a member if the full amount is not refunded enter the amount paid and the balance will go to the member's account as a credit. Enter any comments if appropriate.

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10. Reports

When a report is displayed you may export the report in comma separated variables (csv) format so that it can be opened in Excel. To export the report click on the report icon on the toolbar. Enter the file name for the report and select the folder where you would like it to be saved.

To zoom in or out on a report select Zoom from the View menu or click on the A icon on the toolbar.

To print a report select Print preview from the File menu or click on the printer icon on the toolbar.

To preview the printed report select Print preview from the File menu or click on the preview icon on the toolbar.

To close a report select Clear screen from the View menu.

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11. Exporting mailing list

To export a list of members' addresses select Export mailing list from the Members menu. Select the type of membership. You can restrict the list to members due for renewal or members with an account balance. You can also restrict the list to members who do not have e-mail addresses (you can create a separate list for those members with an email address).

Enter the file name and select the folder where you would like to save the file.

The file will be tab delimitted with the following fields: Name (eg Mr John Smith), Address line 1, Address line 2, Address line 3, Post code or zip code and Recipient (eg Mr Smith). You can use the file for a mail merge (eg using Microsoft Office).

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12. Exporting e-mail addresses

To export a list of members' e-mail addresses select Export e-mail addresses from the Members menu. Select the type of membership. You can restrict the list to members due for renewal or members with an account balance.

The e-mail addresses will be copied to the clipboard so that you can paste them into the CC or BCC field of your email program.

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13. Backing up data

To back up your data files select Backup data files from the File menu or click on the floppy disk icon on the toolbar. Select the folder to which the files should be copied (which cannot be the ClubManager folder). We recommend that you back up your data regularly (preferably to a flash drive).

DO NOT back up the files if you think there may be a problem with them as you might overwrite good files.

If your PC fails you can reinstall ClubManager then copy all the backup files from the backup drive and paste them into the ClubManager folder. Alternatively you can run the program Restore.exe (which you will find in your ClubManager folder) and select the folder containing the backup files.

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14. Networking ClubManager

ClubManager is network ready. If you wish to run ClubManager on a network, follow the following steps:

  1. Run the ClubManager installation program on your server. Make the ClubManager folder a shared folder and be sure to check the box to allow other users to change files.
  2. Run the ClubManager installation program on each of your workstations (this will register some files with the Windows registry).
  3. Modify the ClubManager shortcut on each of your workstation desktops, so that the target is the ClubManager.exe file on your server and the “Start in” folder is the shared ClubManager folder on your server. An alternative to this is to delete the desktop shortcut. Then open the shared folder on the server from the workstation, right drag (holding the right mouse button down) the ClubManager.exe file onto the desktop on the workstation and select Create Shortcut Here.
Please note that if you change the ClubManager setup on any of your computers you must restart ClubManager on the other computers for the changes to take effect.

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15. Printing membeship cards

To print a membership card select Print membership card from the Members menu.

The membership cards are the size of standard business cards (3 ˝ inches by 2 inches). You may print the membership cards on plain card (A4 or letter sized) and cut them to size, or on sheets of 10 precut cards. The cards can then be laminated.

Identify the member. Identify which part of the sheet of card you wish to print on by selecting a number from 1 to 10.

The barcode corresponding to the membership number will be printed on the card, as will the member’s photograph if it is on file.

If you intend to print membership cards, please do not include underscores in the membership numbers as they will not be recognized by barcode readers.

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16. Reminders

To set up a reminder select Add reminder from the Reminders menu or click on the light bulb icon on the toolbar. Uncheck the box if this is a one time reminder that will not be repeated.

When ClubManager is started on the day of the reminder there will be an alert which will allow you to print reminders. There are also reports on reminders, either for a single day or all reminders.

When the date of a reminder which is not repeated has passed the reminder will be removed from the system.

To edit a reminder select Edit reminder from the Reminders menu.

To delete a reminder select Remove reminder from the Reminders menu.

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17. Receipt printers and cash drawers

You can use 75 mm (3 inch) wide receipt printers to print receipts from ClubManager. If you have installed the Windows driver for the printer, ClubManager will recognise the printer and print accordingly.

To use a cash drawer with ClubManager, select Cash drawer from the Setup menu. The program is compatible with cash drawers that connect to the receipt printer and USB cash drawers that emulate either Posiflex or APG cash drawers.

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