POSIC Version 3.4 - User Manual

1. Getting started 2. Adding stock
3. Employees 4. Account holders
5. Selling stock 6. Receipt options
7. Point of sale options                  8. Editing sales transactions
9. Refunds 10. Account payments
11. Receiving orders 12. Reports
13. Printing barcode labels 14. Check-out options
15. Gift certificates 16. Password protection
17. Networking POSIC 18. Changing prices en bloc
19. Outlays 20. Reject (damaged) stock
21. Backing up data files 22. Configuring your email
23. Managing layaways 24. Saving invoices

1. Getting started

The first time you run POSIC, the program will lead you through the Setup process. You need to go through this process only once.

The first setup screen is where you enter the details of your company. The only required field is the name of the company. The field for other information could be used, for example, for your company’s tax number. The information in this screen will be printed on receipts and invoices.

The second screen asks for your preferred date format – dd/mm/yy or mm/dd/yy.

The next screen asks for the number of taxes that are applied to sales, and whether taxes are included in selling prices or added to prices. You will then be asked to enter the name of each tax and the percentage rate. Up to three taxes are allowed.

Next you will be asked to enter your currency symbol (eg $ or £).

Finally you will be asked to choose a password which will be used by the system administrator. Users who log in without this password will not be allowed access to the Setup menu and certain other functions.

If you do not have all the information at hand for the setup process, you can exit the program, and POSIC will start where you left off the next time you run it. If you make a mistake you can correct it by choosing the appropriate command from the Setup menu.


2. Adding stock

Before you can sell stock you must add stock to the POSIC database. To do so press the F5 key, click on the cans icon on the toolbar, or select Add stock from the Stock menu. Please note that the evaluation version allows you to add only 20 stock items to the database.

The required fields in the Add stock screen are the description and the stock number. POSIC will prompt with a sequential stock number, but you may override this (for example if you want to use the product UPC code or EAN code).

Normally you would also enter a unit selling price and the quantity currently in stock. However there may be occasions where you want the selling price to be flexible (eg when you are selling vegetables which are priced by weight). In that case leave the selling price blank, and the salesperson will have to enter the price at checkout. You may also leave the quantity in stock blank (for example if the turnover is such that you do not want to update stock quantities. If you leave the quantity blank, the item will not appear in the report on stock requiring reorder.

The reorder quantity is the quantity that you normally request when you place an order for new stock. The reorder buffer is the quantity that the stock level should never normally fall below (a safeguard in case a reorder takes longer than expected or sales are abnormally high).

The first time you add stock, the drop list of suppliers will not be populated. To add a supplier, enter the name of the supplier at the bottom of the screen and click on the Add button. The same applies to categories (which might include frozen foods, canned goods, confectionary, etc).

To print barcode labels for the stock item, check the appropriate box.

To edit the details of a stock item, press the F6 key, click on the binoculars icon on the toolbar, or select Find stock from the Stock menu. Enter the stock number, or enter the first few characters of the description and select the stock item from the list. You may also delete a stock item from this screen.

If you have a fixed markup on cost prices for the selling price, you can set this up at Setup menu -> Price markup. Subsequently when you enter the cost price the selling price will be calculated automatically.


3. Employees

To add an employee, select Add employee from the Employees submenu of the Setup menu.

Enter the name of the employee and choose a password for that employee.

After you have added employees to the database, when you start POSIC you have a choice of logging in as administrator with full access rights, or as an employee with limited rights.

You may remove an employee by selecting Remove employee from the Employees submenu of the Setup menu. Select the employee and confirm that they should be removed.

You may change an employee’s password by selecting Change password from the Employees submenu of the Setup menu. Select the employee and enter the new password.

You may set up POSIC so that an employee has to enter their password in order to make a sale, edit a sale or cancel a sale. Select Options from the Employees submenu of the sales menu. You can track employees' sales transactions by selecting Transactions history from the Sales submenu of the Reports menu, where you can click on a transaction to show the details.


4. Account holders

If you have preferred customers who are allowed to purchase goods on account, you may set them up by selecting Add account holder from the Accounts submenu of the Setup menu. The only required field in the account details screen is the Account name, which could be a company name or the name of an individual.

If you wish to put a limit on the account balance, enter it in the credit limit field. If you want to block an account holder, make the credit limit 0.00. If there is no credit limit, leave the field blank.

To edit the details of an account holder, select Edit details from the Accounts submenu of the Setup menu, and select the account from the list. You can also delete an account holder from this screen.


5. Selling stock

To sell stock, press the F2 key, click on the shopping trolley icon on the toolbar, or select Sell stock from the Stock menu.

If the customer is exempt from tax(es), clear the appropriate Apply tax box(es) before selling any items. If you have already selected a past customer or an account holder who has already made tax exempt purchases in the past, the appropriate box(es) will be automatically unchecked.

To checkout an item, press the “a” key or click on the Add item button. Identify the stock by entering the stock number or entering the first few characters of the description and selecting the item from the list. Enter the quantity and click on OK. If the stock item is one with an unspecified price, you will also have to enter the price. If you find that the standard price shown is wrong, you can change the price by clicking on the Edit price button. To change the price you must have logged in with the Setup password, or you must ask the supervisor to enter the Setup password.

To sell non inventory stock click on the Add item button then click on the Non inventory button. Enter the description of the item, the unit price and the quantity and click on OK.

You will be prompted to select the next sales item. To exit this function without adding an item, click on OK without entering a stock number or a description.

To sell a gift certificate click on the Sell gift certificate button.

To remove an item from the checkout list, highlight the item and click on the Remove item button.

If you wish to enter a discount, either enter the discount amount or enter the percentage discount. You may also enter the type of discount. If your company has a standard discount which is offered on all sales, you may set it up by selecting Discounts from the Check-out options submenu of the Setup menu. Enter the discount percentage, and if the discount applies only to sales over a certain value, enter the minimum amount.

If you wish to offset a credit note, enter the amount in the appropriate field.

To redeem a gift certificate click on the Redeem gift certificate button.

If you wish to print a receipt, check the appropriate box.

Select the method of payment (cash, cheque, etc.) If the method of payment is by account, select the account holder from the list. Otherwise enter the name of the customer (optional). If the method of payment is cheque, you may enter the cheque number.


6. Receipt options

You can set up the options for printing receipts by selecting Receipt options from the Setup menu.

You can choose to always print receipts, never print receipts, or print receipts as required.

You can choose to print 1, 2 or 3 copies of receipts.

If you wish to hide the print dialog box when printing, check the appropriate box.

If the program does not recognize your receipt printer and not all the information prints on the receipt you can force the printer to print on 75 mm (3 inch) wide paper.

You may also enter messages to be printed at the bottom of invoices and receipts.

You may choose to print your company logo on receipts by checking the appropriate box. The logo should be a 24 bit BMP file named logo.bmp and should reside in the POSIC folder (C:\POSIC). If you cannot convert your logo to this file format, please send it to GrenSoft and we will convert it for you. The logo should be no more than 360 pixels in height.


7. Point of sale options

You can set up the options for point of sale by selecting Point of sale from the Setup menu.

If you are using a cash drawer, select the type of cash drawer connection from the list. You can open the cash drawer without making a sale by pressing the F12 key.

If you are using a pole display, select the type of display from the list and select the emulation (Logic Controls or Epson).

POSIC is compatible with receipt printers (3 inch wide paper roll) provided the Windows driver has been installed. It is also compatible with barcode scanners. We recommend barcode readers with a keyboard wedge interface, which connect between the keyboard and the PC.

If you are using a receipt printer and you find that the printing speed is slow, you may be able to increase it by selecting Receipt printer speed from the Setup menu and checking the box to use the receipt printer font.


8. Editing sales transactions

To edit a sales transaction (for example if you have made a mistake with the original transaction) or forgotten to print the receipt, press the F3 key or select Edit transaction from the Sales menu.

Enter the transaction number (which defaults to the last transaction). From the edit screen, you can add or remove checkout items, change the discount, or change the payment method. You can also print out the sales receipt.

You may cancel the sale by clicking on the Cancel sale button.

To edit a sales transaction you must be logged in with the Setup password, or ask the supervisor to enter the Setup password.


9. Refunds

If a customer returns stock (for example because it is faulty), press the F4 key or select Give refund from the Refunds submenu of the Sales menu. To return stock you must be logged in with the Setup password, or ask the supervisor to enter the Setup password.

Identify the stock item by entering the stock number, or entering the first few characters of the description and selecting the item from the list.

Enter the quantity to be returned and the refund amount (which defaults to the stock price multiplied by the quantity, less any standard discount, including tax).

Select the method of payment for the refund. You can also add comments (eg the reason for the return).

To cancel a refund, select Cancel refund from the Refunds submenu of the Sales menu. Enter the date of the refund which defaults to the current date. Select the refund from the list and click on the Cancel refund button, or double click on the refund to cancel it. Confirm that you wish to cancel the refund.


10. Account payments

To print an invoice for an account holder or to email an invoice, press the F8 key, click on the invoice icon on the toolbar, or select Print/email invoice from the Accounts menu.

Select the account holder from the list.

Double click on the sales transaction or highlight the transaction and click on the Email invoice button or the Print invoice button.

To accept payment from an account holder, press the F9 key, click on the credit card icon on the toolbar, or select Accept payment from the Accounts menu.

Select the account holder from the list.

Double click on the sales transaction or highlight the transaction and click on the Accept payment button. Enter the amount to be paid, which defaults to the amount owed for the transaction. You may accept payment for more than one transaction at the same time.

Select the method of payment. Check the appropriate box if you wish to print a receipt.

To cancel an account payment, select Cancel payment from the Accounts menu.

Select the account holder from the list.

Highlight the account payment to be cancelled and click on the Cancel payment button or press Enter.


11. Receiving orders

After you have received an order of stock, press the F7 key or click on Receive order from the Stock menu.

Enter the quantity received.

If you enter the cost of the order and the markup, then click on the Calculate button, POSIC will automatically calculate the selling price before updating the stock database.


12. Reports

Please note that all reports can be exported in csv (comma separated variables) format so that they cab be read by programs such as Excel. To set up this function, select Export reports from the Setup menu. After checking the box, whenever a report is displayed it will be exported to your My Documents folder, with the file name report.csv.

12.1 Accounts submenu

The accounts submenu has the following reports:

Account holders: displays account holders, showing current balances and contact details. Click on an item to send an email to the account holder.

Account payments: displays details of account payments made during a specified period.

Credit notes: reports on credit notes accepted over a specified period.

Currencies: shows the amount of each currency received during a specified period. This report will be disabled if you have not specified more than one currency.

Outlays: reports on outlays for a specified period.

Receipts/revenue: reports on receipts and revenue for a specified period. You can display the report for all employees, or for a specific employee. The receipts column shows monies actually received. It does not show revenue from sales paid by account, but it does show payments received on accounts. The revenue column shows total revenue, including sales paid by account but not payments received on accounts.

X-Charge transactions: reports on X-Charge transactions for a specified period.

12.2 Employee hours

Reports on hours worked by employees over a specified period, based on log in and log out times.

12.3 Gift certificates

Reports on the current status of gift certificates sold since a specified date.

12.4 Layaways submenu

The layaways submenu has the following reports:

Active layaways: shows a list of current layaways. Click on a item to view or edit the details of a layaway.

Completed layaways: lists layaways which were completed within a range of dates.

12.5 Sales submenu

The sales submenu has the following reports:

By customer: shows details of sales to a specified customer over a specified period.

Period report: displays details of all sales transactions for a specified period.

Refunds: displays details of all refunds for a specified period.

Summary (inventory): displays a summary of sales from inventory for a specified period, showing the quantity sold for each stock item.

Summary (non inventory): displays a summary of non inventory sales for a specified period, showing the quantity sold for each stock item.

Transactions history: shows who made a sale, edited a sale and cancelled a sale for a specified period. Click on a transaction to show the details.

12.6 Stock submenu

The stock submenu has the following reports:

List stock: displays the details of all stock items.

Quantity changes: reports on stock quantity changes for a specified period.

Reorders: displays the details of all reorders received during a specified period.

Requiring reorder: lists stock requiring reorder. The report is based on the quantity in stock, the reorder buffer, the reorder lead time and the quantity sold during the last four weeks.


13. Printing barcode labels

POSIC prints barcodes on an ordinary printer (letter sized paper, ink jet or laser jet), using standard return labels, 1-3/4 inches x 1/2 inch, 80 per sheet, such as Avery labels # 8167 (or # 4732 in Europe), or on a label printer (we recommend 29mm x 90mm labels).

The format of the barcodes is Code 39.

To print barcodes for an item of stock, select Print barcodes from the Stock menu.

First identify the item of stock by entering the stock number, or entering the first few characters of the description and selecting the item from the list.

In the case of a standard printer, enter the number of identical barcode labels to be printed, which defaults to 80 (the maximum that can be printed at one time is 1000). If you find that the barcodes are not aligned properly on the labels, you can change the setup by clicking on the Alignment button.

In the case of a label printer, enter the number of identical barcode labels to be printed, which defaults to one.

To set up the type of printer select Label printer from the Setup menu. POSIC should find the label size and orientation from the printer driver, but if this is not the case you can specify these parameters by clicking on the Size & orientation button.


14. Check-out options

14.1 Add payment method
The default payment methods are cash, cheque and credit card. You can add other methods of payment by selecting Add payment method from the Check-out options submenu of the Setup menu.

14.2 Default payment method
You may set up a default payment method by selecting Default payment method from the Check-out options submenu of the Setup menu. Select the payment method from the list.

14.3 Standard discount
If your business offers a standard discount to all customers, you can set it up by selecting Discounts from the Check-out options submenu of the Setup menu.

Enter the percentage discount. If the discount only applies to purchases above a certain amount, enter the amount.

14.4 Default quantity
The program normally prompts for the quantity sold when you are selling stock. You can skip this dialog and assume a quantity of one by selecting Quantity of one from the Check-out options submenu of the Setup menu.

14.5 Currencies
You can set up POSIC to accept payment in up to 8 currencies and provide change in your local currency. Select Other acceptable currencies from the Currencies submenu of the Check-out options submenu of the Setup menu to set up this option.

For each alternative currency, enter the currency symbol and the exchange rate. The exchange rate is the amount of base currency that you get for each unit of the alternative currency. For example, if you were in the Eastern Caribbean, the base currency would be the Eastern Caribbean Dollar (EC$) and you might wish to accept payment in United States Dollars (US$). So the base currency would be EC$, the first alternative currency would be US$ and the exchange rate would be something like 2.6882.

After you have set up alternative currencies, each time you add a stock item to the database, or modify a stock item, you will be prompted to enter the cost of the item in the alternative currencies. The program prompts with values based on the exchange rates, but you may wish to round off these values.

When you make a sale, select the currency before you start adding items to the list. The prices will be in the alternative currency you have selected. If the program cannot find a price for the item in the alternative currency, it will calculate a price based on the exchange rate.

The change will be given in the local currency, based on the exchange rate.

Reports on receipts and sales will be shown in the local currency; sales made in alternative currencies will be converted to the local currency using the appropriate exchange rate in effect at the time of the sale.

For a report on foreign currencies received over a specified period, select Currencies from the Accounts submenu of the Reports menu. Remember that the amount for local currency received will be reduced by the amount of change that you have given in that currency.

14.6 Calculation of change
POSIC can be set up to calculate change to the nearest 5 cents. Select Calculation of change from the Check-out options submenu of the Setup menu and check the box.


15. Gift certificates

POSIC allows you to print gift certificates. First you must download and install the clipart in a subfolder named clipart. For example if POSIC is installed in C:\POSIC the clipart should be installed in C:\POSIC\clipart.

To print gift certificates select Print gift certificates from the Sales menu. Select the graphic that you wish to use on the certificate, enter the value of the certificate, enter the start number for the certificates that you wish to print (you may override the default but duplicate numbers will not be allowed) and enter the number of certificates that you wish to print. Gift certificates should be printed on letter sized or A4 paper.

You may sell gift certificates to customers using the normal check out screen (click on the shopping trolley on the toolbar) by clicking on the Sell gift certificate button. Enter the gift certificate number and the value. You may override the values which are entered by the program. If you have already printed gift certificates the number and value of the first available certificate will be entered by the program. It is not necessary to print certificates in order to sell them, you may use certificates from another source provided they are numbered.

To redeem a gift certificate at check out, click on the Redeem gift certificate button. Enter the certificate number (which must be one you have sold) or scan the barcode from the certificate. Confirm that you wish to redeem the certificate. If the cost of the sale is less than the value of the certificate the program will remember that the certificate has not been redeemed in full so that the balance can be redeemed at a later date.

For a report on the current status of gift certificates click on Gift certificates from the Reports menu.


16. Password protection

As well as the Setup commands, various functions are by default protected by the Setup password. These include most of the POSIC reports, adding and modifying stock, cancelling account payments, etc.

You can choose which functions are password protected by selecting Password protection from the Setup menu and checking or clearing the appropriate boxes.


17. Networking POSIC

POSIC is network ready. If you wish to run POSIC on a network, follow the following steps:

  1. Run the POSIC installation program on your server. Make the POSIC folder a shared folder and be sure to check the box to allow other users to change files.
  2. Run the POSIC installation program on each of your workstations (this will register some files with the Windows registry).
  3. Modify the POSIC shortcut on each of your workstation desktops, so that the target is the POSIC.exe file on your server and the “Start in” folder is the shared POSIC folder on your server. An alternative to this is to delete the desktop shortcut. Then open the shared folder on the server from the workstation, right drag (holding the right mouse button down) the POSIC.exe file onto the desktop on the workstation and select Create Shortcut Here.
Please note that if you change the POSIC setup on any of your computers you must restart POSIC on the other computers for the changes to take effect.


18. Changing prices en bloc

To change the prices of all merchandise or groups of merchandise based on supplier and/or category, select Change prices from the Setup menu.

Select the supplier and category as appropriate, select whether the prices should be increased or reduced and enter the percentage change in price. Confirm that you wish to change the prices.

19. Outlays

You can keep track of miscellaneous payments by selecting the Outlays submenu of the Accounts menu. Here you can add an outlay or cancel an outlay.

20. Reject (damaged) stock

You can mark stock as reject or damaged by selecting Add reject stock from the Reject (damaged) stock submenu of the Stock menu. The reject quantity will be subtracted from the quantity in stock. If the stock has been returned to the supplier, check the box.

You can edit or cancel reject stock by selecting Edit reject stock.

These functions are protected by the Setup password.

For a report on reject stock, see Reject (damaged) stock from the Stock submenu of the Reports menu.

21. Backing up data files

POSIC allows you to back up your data files so that in the event of a problem such as hard drive failure you can reinstall the program and restore the data.

To back up the data, select Back up data files from the File menu and select the backup folder. We recommend backing up to a flash drive (preferably at the close of business each day).

DO NOT back up the files if you think there may be a problem with them as you might overwrite good files.

To restore the data, first reinstall POSIC if necessary then copy all the files from the backup and paste them into the POSIC folder (normally C:\POSIC). Alternatively you can run the program Restore.exe which you will find in your POSIC folder and select the folder containing the backup files.

22. Configuring your email

POSIC allows you to send emails to account holders. Select Configure email from the Setup menu. The port number defaults to 25, you should not need to change this.

23. Managing layaways

To start a new layaway select New layaway from the Layaways menu. Enter the customer details or select a customer from the drop list. Click on the Get stock button and identify the stock. Enter the quantity required and edit the price if necessary.

Click on the Add payment button if you wish to accept a payment. Click on OK to save the layaway. The stock quantity will be removed from the stock database so you will not sell the item(s) to another customer.

To add a payment or edit the customer details, select Edit layaway from the Layaways menu. When the cost of the layaway has been paid off you will be asked if you wish to complete the layaway and release the stock.

24. Saving invoices

POSIC allows you to save invoices in a csv (comma separated variables) file which you may be able to import into your accounting software. Each time you check out items and print a receipt the invoice is appended to the file invoice.csv which is saved in your POSIC folder.


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Email: info@grensoft.com