TrackEasy Version 9.4 - User Manual

1. Getting started 2. Adding customers
3. Adding rental stock 4. Adding merchandise
5. Modifying/deleting customers 6. Modifying/deleting rental stock
7. Modifying/deleting merchandise 8. Renting/selling to registered customers
9. Selling to walk-in customers 10. Receiving rental stock from loan
11. Exchanging rental stock on loan 12. Accepting an account payment
13. Cancelling a transaction 14. Printing an old receipt
15. Customer photographs 16. Networking TrackEasy
17. Print options 18. Payment methods
19. Removing old data 20. Employees
21. Backing up data files 22. Point of sales equipment
23. Reports 24. Special customers
25. Printing invoices and statements 26. Reserving rental stock for rental
27. Deposits (special option) and payment on return           28. Company logo
29. Customer email addresses and mailing list 30. Exporting reports in csv format
31. Renewing (or extending) rentals 32. Editing current rental transaction
33. Kits 34. Opening times
35. Holidays 36. Coupons
37. Password protection 38. Managing hour meters
39. Interim (monthly) payments 40. Quotations
41. Merchandise returns 42. Rental stock service history
43. Changing rates en masse 44. Blocking customers
45. Rule for one day rentals 46. Accessing WorkTracer customers
47. Miscellaneous outgoings and receipts 48. Sub components
49. Basing daily rental rates on weekly rates 50. Printing barcode labels
51. Stocktaking 52. Checking stock availability
53. SMS text messaging 54. Removing inactive customers
55. Calculating change 56. Booking chart
57. Reminders 58. The WebLink module
59. Data protection (GDPR compliance)

1. Getting started

Click on the TrackEasy shortcut on your desktop to start the program.

When the opening dialog box appears, click on Evaluate.

The first time you run the program, TrackEasy will lead you through the setup process. If all the information required is not available, you may leave the setup process and TrackEasy will start where you left off the next time you run the program. You only have to go through the setup process once.

The order of setup is as follows:

1.1 Company details
Enter the name of your company and the contact details. There is a spare field which could be used, for example, for your company’s tax number. These details will appear on printed receipts.

1.2 Date format
You can choose the date format dd/mm/yy, or mm/dd/yy.

1.3 Currency symbol
Enter you currency symbol (eg $).

1.4 Taxes on rentals and sales
Select the number of taxes which apply to rentals and sales, enter the names of the taxes and the percentage rates, and select whether taxes are included in rental and sales prices or should be added to prices.

In the case of sales, if you intend to sell rental stock as well as merchandise, indicate whether the tax(es) should apply to rental stock sales.

In the case of rentals, indicate whether the taxes should be applied to deliveries, damage and cleaning fees, and damage waiver.

If you wish tax amounts to be printed on receipts and invoices, check the appropriate box.

1.5 Payments
Specify whether rental payments are made at the time of rental or on return of the rental stock. A third option is for either to be allowed.

1.6 Password for the Setup commands
Select a password which will be used to access the Setup menu. You should make a note of the password. If you lose the password, please contact GrenSoft and we will explain how to acquire a new password. The password prevents unauthorized users from changing the setup parameters.

1.7 Email configuration
You need to configure your email if you intend to use TrackEasy to send emails to customers. You can choose to set up your email later by selecting Configure email from the Setup menu.

The port defaults to 25. You should not need to change this.

1.8 Networking
Finally you will be asked if you intend to run TrackEasy on more than one computer on a network. If you answer No and decide to run the program on a network at a later date you should select Networking from the Setup menu.

If you make a mistake during the setup process, you can correct it later by selecting the appropriate item from the Setup menu.

Once you have completed the Setup process you should start adding customers, rental stock and merchandise to the TrackEasy database.


2. Adding Customers

To add customers to the database, press the F6 key, click on the customer icon on the toolbar, or select Add customer from the Customers menu.

The only required fields in the Add customer dialog box are the customer name and the customer number. TrackEasy will supply a sequential customer number, but you may override this. You will not be allowed to enter a duplicate customer number.

If the customer has authorized employees (apart from the contact) who are allowed to rent on the customer’s behalf, enter the name in the appropriate field and click on Add.

If the customer is a preferred customer and entitled to discounts on rental rates and/or deposits, enter the percentage discounts in the appropriate fields.

If the customer is tax exempt, check the appropriate box(es).

If the customer has an existing balance, enter it in the appropriate field and select whether the balance is credit or debit.

You may specify the category of customer (eg builder, electrician) by selecting the category from the drop list. To add a category of customer, enter the category and click on the Add button.

If the customer is a special customer (see section 24) check the box.

You may attach an image to the customer record by clicking on the Image button. This could be a photograph or a scan of the customer’s ID. Select the image file, which can be BMP, JPG, GIF, TIF, PNG, PCX and PSD format. Note that TrackEasy does not move the file, so you should make sure the file remains in its original folder so that TrackEasy can locate it.


3. Adding rental stock

TrackEasy allows you to rent two distinct types of stock:

(a) Regular stock is rented as a single item and each item must have a unique stock number for tracking (eg cement mixer).

(b) Bulk rental stock is rented in large quantities so that it would not be practical to have a unique stock number for each item (eg scaffolding poles).

To add regular rental stock to the database, press the F7 key, click on the first drill icon on the toolbar, or select Add rental stock from the Rental stock menu.

To add a bulk item, click on the second drill icon (with the + sign) on the toolbar or select Add bulk item from the Rental stock menu.

Required fields in the Add rental stock dialog box are the description and the stock number (and the total quantity in the case of bulk items). You must also select at least one rental rate: hourly, daily, weekend, weekly, monthly (calendar month), annual. Enter the deposit required for a rental if appropriate. If you sell rental stock as well as rent it, you should enter the sales price.

The first time you enter an hourly rate, the program will ask if you wish to set up a part day rate. For example if you have a part day rental period of 4 hours, and the rate for that period is a percentage of the normal rate for 4 hours, enter the percentage.

The first time you enter a daily rate, the program will ask if you wish to set up a reduced daily rate for additional days. This is useful if you charge a certain rate for the first day of rental and a reduced rate for subsequent days.

The first time you enter a weekend rate, the program will ask you to specify the period when weekend rates apply (eg 4 pm on Friday to 10 am on Monday).

TrackEasy will supply a sequential stock number. You may override this number, but duplicate numbers will not be allowed.

There are fields for rental stock type and capacity. If you were renting cylinders, for example, the type could be the gas (eg oxygen, acetylene) and the capacity could be the volume or weight. To add a type or capacity, enter the name and click on Add. You can also change the field names by selecting field names from the Setup menu.

To add a location, enter the name and click on Add.

Note that you can remove unwanted types, capacities and locations by selecting the Remove items from droplists submenu from the Setup menu.

If you offer damage waiver, enter the appropriate percentage of the rental cost.

If the rental stock has a flat rate, ie the rental cost is the same irrespective of the period of rental, enter a daily, weekly, monthly and annual rate and make them all the same. For example if the flat rate is $10 for unlimited rental, make all the rates 10.00.

If you have several part day rates, eg a 4 hour rate, a 6 hour rate and an 8 hour rate, click on the Part day rates button. This will be enabled only when the Hourly rate checkbox is clear. Select the number of hours for each rate, and the cost.

To add more descriptive text and/or a photograph of the rental stock, click on the More details button. Please enter the description of the rental stock and select the type and capacity (if appropriate) before adding more details or a photograph. To add a photograph, click on the Add photo button and select the appropriate graphics file. The image should ideally be 160 pixels width by 120 height. The following file formats are allowed: BMP, JPG, GIF, TIF, PNG, PCX and PSD.

Once you have added more details and/or a photograph, these will apply to all rental stock having the same description, type and capacity.


4. Adding merchandise

If you sell merchandise as well as renting/selling rental stock, add your merchandise to the database by pressing F8, by clicking on the hammer icon on the toolbar, or by selecting Add merchandise from the Merchandise menu.

The required fields in the Add merchandise dialog box are the description, the sales price and the stock number. TrackEasy will provide a sequential stock number, but you may override this. Duplicate stock numbers will not be allowed.

You should indicate whether sales taxes should apply to each item of merchandise.

If you have a fixed markup for sales prices over cost prices you can set this up at Setup menu -> Merchandise pricing -> Percentage markup. Subsequently when you add a new item and enter the cost price the sales price will be set automatically.


5. Modifying/deleting customers

To modify a customer or delete a customer from the database, press F9, click on the first binoculars icon on the toolbar or select Search from the Customers menu.

Enter the customer number, or enter the first few characters of the customer name or the last 4 digits of the phone number and select the customer from the list. The customer dialog box will appear.

You may also enter a character string from the customer name (minimum of 3 characters). This is useful if you have customers identified by first and last name. So to search for “John Smith”, you could enter the string “smi”.

You may change any of the customer’s details apart from the account balance and the customer number.

To block a customer, check the Block customer box. This function is protected by the Setup password.

Click on Save changes to save your changes, Continue to exit the dialog box without changing the customer details, or Delete to delete the customer from the database.


6. Modifying/deleting rental stock

To modify an item of rental stock or delete rental stock from the database, press F10, click on the second binoculars icon on the toolbar or select Search from the Rental stock menu.

Enter the stock number, or enter the first few characters of the description or the first few characters of the serial number and select the rental stock from the drop list. The rental stock dialog box will appear.

You may change any of the rental stock details apart from the stock number.

You may also add more items of rental stock with the same details by clicking on the Add more items button. Enter the number of items to be added (1 to 100) and specify the start string for the stock numbers. The program will prompt with the start string, but you may override this provided there are sufficient sequential numbers available. Any changes you have already made to the rental stock details dialog box will not be reflected in the items added.

Click on Save changes to save your changes, Continue to exit the dialog box without changing the rental stock details, or Delete to delete the rental stock from the database.

If you click on Save Changes, you will be asked if you wish to apply the new details to all items of rental stock with the same description, type and capacity.


7. Modifying/deleting merchandise

To modify an item of merchandise or delete merchandise from the database, press F11, click on the third binoculars icon on the toolbar or select Search from the Merchandise menu.

Enter the stock number, or enter the first few characters of the description and select the merchandise from the drop list. The merchandise dialog box will appear.

You may change any of the merchandise details apart from the stock number.

Click on Save changes to save your changes, Continue to exit the dialog box without changing the merchandise details, or Delete to delete the merchandise from the database.

Use this function to adjust the quantity in stock when you receive new stock.

If you want to change all sales prices by a percentage you should select Change prices by a percentage from the Merchandise pricing submenu of the Setup menu.


8. Renting/selling to registered customers

To rent rental stock or sell rental stock/merchandise to a registered customer, press F2, click on the red arrow on the toolbar, or select rent from the Rental stock menu.

Identify the customer by entering the customer number or entering the first few characters of the customer name or the last 4 digits of the phone number and selecting from the list. The Rent/sell dialog box will appear. If an authorized customer employee is renting, select the employee from the list.

If the customer is not found, you will be prompted to add the customer to the database.

The date and time for the start of the rental default to the current date and time. You may override the defaults (for example if you are preparing rentals for the next day). Past dates are not allowed. The time should be entered in 24 hour format, eg 09:30. If you wish to change the date and time, please do so before adding items for rental.

If you have set up the option for customers to pay for rentals on return of the rental stock, and the customer intends to pay on return, check the appropriate box before adding items for rental. If the customer also intends to pay for sales on return, check the appropriate box.

To rent rental stock, click on Add rental stock or press the r key. Enter the stock number or the first few characters of the description or the first few characters of the serial number and select from the drop list. Enter the rental period. If you wish to apply damage waiver, check the appropriate box. The damage waiver will be based on the percentage that you entered when you added the rental stock to the database, but you may override this value. If you wish to add more items of the same description, type and capacity for the same rental period, check the box and enter the number of items to be added.

To rent a kit of rental stock, click on Add kit or press the k key. Select the kit from the drop list.

To add rental stock which has been reserved for the customer, click on Add reservation or click on the v key. Specify the date for which the rental stock was reserved.

To remove rental stock from the rental list, select the rental stock and click on Remove rental.

To sell merchandise, click on Sell merchandise or press the m key. Identify the merchandise by entering the stock number or entering the first few characters of the description and selecting from the list. Enter the quantity to be sold, and the discount if appropriate.

To sell rental stock, click on Sell rental stock or press the s key. Identify the rental stock by entering the stock number or entering the first few characters of the description and selecting from the list. You can block the sale of rental stock by selecting Block rental stock sales from the Setup menu.

You may also sell non-inventory items (which are not normally kept in stock) by clicking on the Sell non-inventory button or pressing the n key.

To remove an item from the sales list, click on Remove item.

Select the method of payment for rental/sales. If a deposit is required, select the payment method for the deposit. You will not be allowed to pay the deposit by account unless the customer has a credit balance which will cover the deposit.

Check the Print receipt box if you wish to print a receipt.

If you want to add multiple items of rental stock of the same description, type and capacity with the same rental period, you may not wish to show each individual item on the rental receipt. In that case you should first click on Number of copies, etc from the Print options submenu of the Setup menu, and check the appropriate box.

If you wish to print rental stock comments on receipts, first select Number of copies, etc from the Print options submenu of the Setup menu, and check the appropriate box.

If the rental stock is to be delivered, check the Deliver box. Enter the delivery charge (if any) and the delivery address (if different from the customer’s address). You may opt to charge for the delivery on return of the rental stock by checking the appropriate box.

If you wish to redeem a coupon, click on the Coupon button. If you wish to offer a discount, click on the Discount button. After you have redeemed a coupon or offered a discount it will not be possible to modify the transaction, so leave this until last.


9. Selling to walk-in customers

To sell rental stock or merchandise to walk-in customers, press F4, click on the shopping trolley icon from the toolbar, or select Sell rental stock from the Rental stock menu or Sell merchandise from the Merchandise menu.

To sell merchandise, click on Sell merchandise. Identify the merchandise by entering the stock number or entering the first few characters of the description and selecting from the list. Enter the quantity to be sold, and the discount if appropriate.

To sell rental stock, click on Sell rental stock. Identify the rental stock by entering the stock number or entering the first few characters of the description and selecting from the list. You can block the sale of rental stock by selecting Block rental stock sales from the Setup menu.

You may also sell non-inventory items (which are not normally kept in stock) by clicking on the Sell non-inventory button or pressing the n key.

To remove an item from the sales list, click on Remove item.

If the goods are to be delivered, check the Deliver box. Enter the delivery charge (if any) and the delivery address.

If you wish to redeem a coupon, click on the Coupon button. If you wish to offer a discount, click on the Discount button. After you have redeemed a coupon or offered a discount it will not be possible to modify the transaction, so leave this until last.

Select the method of payment. Check the Print receipt box if you wish to print a receipt. Click on OK.


10. Receiving rental stock from loan

To receive rental stock, press F3, click on the green arrow on the toolbar or select Receive from rental from the Rental stock menu.

Specify whether you want to identify the rental stock to be returned by rental stock or by renter, or by the rental transaction number.

If you have identified the return by selecting the rental stock or the customer, the Receive rental stock dialog box will list all the stock on rental to the customer.

If you have identified the return by entering the rental number, only items rented during that rental transaction will be shown. Also if the customer has opted to pay for merchandise sales on return, the merchandise sales will be itemized on the returns invoice.

There are three ways to return an item from the list:

  1. Highlight the item to be returned and click on Receive or press the r key.
  2. Double click on the item.
  3. Enter the rental stock number and click on Receive or press the r key.
The date and time of return default to the current date and time. If the return date and time are different from the current date and time, enter the correct date and time before selecting the item from the list.

The rental cost and damage waiver will be recalculated based on the new return date and time. You may also change the rental period and the costs will be recalculated.

The dialog box will show the amount of damage waiver, the deposit, the cost of the rental, the amount paid at the time of rental and the amount due (or the refund amount). If the customer paid for the rental at the time of rental you have the option of waiving the extra charge or refunding only the deposit.

If you have rental stock with hour meters, you can enter the appropriate number of hours to calculate the correct rental cost.

If you sold merchandise to the customer along with the rental and opted to pay for the sale on return, the cost of the sale will be shown.

If you charged for delivery and opted to pay for the delivery on return, the cost of the delivery will be shown.

If you sold merchandise to the customer along with the rental, you can edit the quantity sold by clicking on the Change merchandise quantities button. This is useful, for example, if you rented out a sander and sold 10 sheets of sand paper at the same time. If the customer used only 5 sheets and would like to return the balance, you can accommodate this here.

If you are returning bulk items and the quantity returned is less that the quantity rented, enter the quantity returned and the stock quantity will be adjusted accordingly. You may also charge the customer for the loss. The default charges is based on the sales price of the bulk item (if you have entered one).

If you wish to return multiple items with the same description, type and capacity which have been rented for the same period, check the appropriate box.

Click on OK, and the rental stock will be removed from the Receive rental stock dialog box.

Repeat the above process if more than one items of rental stock are being returned.

If a damage fee or a cleaning fee applies, enter the fee in the appropriate field. You can edit the default names of these additional charges by selecting Cleaning & damage fees from the Setup menu, and you can also edit them at the time of return.

If a refund or an extra charge is involved, select the payment method.

If you wish to redeem a coupon, click on the Coupon button. If you wish to offer a discount, click on the Discount button. After you have redeemed a coupon or offered a discount it will not be possible to modify the transaction, so leave this until last.

To print a receipt, check the Print receipt box before clicking on OK.

If want to receive multiple items of rental stock of the same description, type and capacity with the same rental period, you may not wish to show each individual item on the returns receipt. In that case you should first click on Number of copies, etc from the Print options submenu of the Setup menu, and check the appropriate box.

If you want rental stock comments to be printed on return receipts, you should first click on Number of copies, etc from the Print options submenu of the Setup menu, and check the appropriate box.

If you rent stock based only on daily rates and you want the daily rate to appear on return receipts, you should first click on Number of copies, etc from the Print options submenu of the Setup menu, and check the appropriate box.


11. Exchanging rental stock on loan

If you need to exchange an item of rental stock which is on loan, click on the opposing red and green arrows from the toolbar or select Exchange rental stock from the Rental stock menu.

Enter the number of the rental stock which is on loan, and the number of the rental stock which is to replace it.

This function is useful if an item becomes unserviceable during a rental. Bulk rental items cannot be exchanged.


12. Accepting an account payment

To accept an account payment from a customer, press F5, click on the credit card icon on the toolbar, or select Accept invoice payment from the Customers menu.

Identify the customer by entering the customer number or entering the first few characters of the customer name or the last 4 digits of the phone number and selecting from the list.

The Accept account payment dialog box will list all the transactions which require payment. Select a transaction from the list and click on Accept. The transaction will be removed from the list. If payment is to be made for more than one transaction, repeat the process for the other transactions.

Sometimes the customer may want to pay in full for one or more transactions and make a part payment on another. In this case accept only the first transactions (the ones to be paid in full) and enter the amount to be paid. Any excess will be carried over to the customer’s account balance and can be used as a part payment the next time the customer makes an account payment.

Select the payment method. Check the Print receipt box if you wish to print a receipt. Click on OK.

If the customer owes for several invoices and wishes to make a payment which is less than the amount of any one invoice, select Accept part payment from the Customers menu. Identify the customer, then enter the amount to be paid and select the payment method. The payment will be credited against the next invoice payment.

If you make a mistake, you can cancel the payment by repeating the procedure and entering a negative payment.


13. Cancelling a transaction

To cancel a transaction, select Cancel old transaction from the Transactions menu. The transaction may be a rental/sale, a rental return, or an account payment.

Enter the transaction number. (The program will prompt with the number of the last transaction). Confirm that you wish to cancel the transaction.


14. Printing an old receipt

To print an old receipt, select Print old receipt from the Transactions menu. The receipt may be for rental/sales, rental return or account payment.

Enter the transaction number. The program will prompt with the number of the last transaction.

If the transaction is a rental transaction that has been renewed, you will have the option of printing the renewal receipt.


15. Customer photographs

TrackEasy can display photographs of the customer contact or authorized employees when the rental/sales dialog box is shown.

To add a customer photograph, save the photograph as a graphics file in the TrackEasy folder. The following file formats are allowed: BMP, JPG, TIF, GIF, PNG, PCX, and PSD. The file name must match the customer number. For example if the customer number is ABC12345, the filename must be ABC12345.bmp (depending on the file format).

You may also add photographs for authorized employees. This is achieved by adding an underscore and an extra digit to the file name. Supposing the customer number is ABC12345. The file name for the first authorized employee must be ABC12345_1.bmp, and for the second authorized employee ABC12345_2.bmp, etc (depending on file format).

The images should be approximately 120 pixels width by 160 pixels height.


16. Networking TrackEasy

TrackEasy is network ready. If you wish to run TrackEasy on a network, follow the following steps:

  1. Run the TrackEasy installation program on your server. Make the TrackEasy folder a shared folder and be sure to check the box to allow other users to change files.
  2. Run the TrackEasy installation program on each of your workstations (this will register some files with the Windows registry).
  3. Modify the TrackEasy shortcut on each of your workstation desktops, so that the target is the TrackEasy.exe file on your server and the “Start in” folder is the shared TrackEasy folder on your server. An alternative to this is to delete the desktop shortcut. Then open the shared folder on the server from the workstation, right drag (holding the right mouse button down) the TrackEasy.exe file onto the desktop on the workstation and select Create Shortcut Here.
  4. Make sure that you have specified that TrackEasy will be run on a network by selecting Networking from the Setup menu.
Please note that if you change the TrackEasy setup on any of your computers you must restart TrackEasy on the other computers for the changes to take effect.


17. Print options

17.1 Invoices & receipts
You may choose to always print receipts, never print receipts, or print receipts as required. Select Number of copies, etc from the Print options submenu of the Setup menu.

You may also choose to print either one or two copies of receipts.

Check the appropriate box if you do not want the printer dialog box to be shown when you print receipts.

If you are using a cash drawer which is connected to a receipt printer, you may set up TrackEasy to open the cash drawer each time a receipt is printed by checking the box at the bottom of the window.

If you are using headed paper check the appropriate box. This will prevent TrackEasy from printing the company name and contact details at the top of receipts and forms.

If you wish to print rental stock comments on rental or returns receipts, check the appropriate box(es).

If you wish to print customer comments on receipts and invoices, check the appropriate box.

If you wish to print daily rates on returns receipts, check the appropriate box.

If you regularly rent multiple items of the same description, type and capacity and you do not want each individual item to appear on rental and returns receipts and reports, check the appropriate box.

If the text which is printed at the bottom of receipts is too large, so that it will not fit in the allocated space, you can reduce the size of the text to 80% or 60% by clicking on the appropriate radio button.

You can force the program to print on an 80 mm receipt printer by checking the appropriate box. This may be necessary if you do not have a Windows driver for the receipt printer.

17.2 Contract text
If you wish to print a contract at the bottom of rental receipts, select Contract text from the Print options submenu of the Setup menu. Enter the text and click on Save.

17.3 Invoice text
If you wish to print a message at the bottom of invoices, select Invoice text from the Print options submenu of the Setup menu. Enter the text and click on Save.

17.4 Sales receipt text
If you wish to print a message at the bottom of sales receipts, select Sales receipt text from the Print options submenu of the Setup menu. Enter the text and click on Save.

17.5 Rental returns text
If you wish to print a message at the bottom of receipts for returns, select Rental returns text from the Print options submenu of the Setup menu. Enter the text and click on Save.

17.6 Language
By default, TrackEasy prints contracts, invoices and receipts in English. You may choose to print them in Spanish. Select Language from the Print options submenu of the Setup menu.


18. Payment methods

18.1 Adding a payment method
TrackEasy comes installed with four options for payment methods. These are cash, cheque, credit card and debit card.

To add a payment method, select Add payment method from the Payment methods submenu of the Setup menu. Enter the new payment method and click on Add.

18.2 Default payment method
For all transactions involving payments, the user has to select a payment method from a list. To set up a default payment method, select Default payment method from the Payment methods submenu of the Setup menu.


19. Removing old data

After time your TrackEasy data files may become large enough to significantly slow down the program. You may remove old data by selecting Purge old data from the Setup menu.

Enter the year prior to which you want all data to be removed. You will not be allowed to remove the current year’s data.


20. Employees

If you have several employees who are authorized to use TrackEasy, and you wish to prevent unauthorized employees from using the software, you can add the employees by selecting Add employee from the Employees submenu of the Setup menu.

Enter the name of the employee and the employee’s log in password.

To remove an employee, select Remove employee from the Employees submenu of the Setup menu. Select the employee from the list and click on Remove.

To change an employee’s log-on password, select Change password from the Employees submenu of the Setup menu. Select the employee from the list and enter the new password.

When an employee log on to TrackEasy, he or she will be prompted to enter the cash register balance at the start of the shift.

An employee may log off by pressing F12, by clicking on the key icon on the toolbar, or by selecting Log off from the File menu. The employee will be prompted to print a shift summary, which will include the cash register balance at the end of the shift.


21. Backing up data files

You may wish to back up your TrackEasy data files periodically, in case of hard disk failure for example.

Click on the disk icon on the toolbar or select Back up data files from the File menu. You will be prompted to select the folder or back up medium.

We recommend that you back up to a flash memory drive.

TrackEasy will prompt you to back up the data files each time you close the program and each time an employee logs off.

Do not back up the files if you think there may be a problem with them as you might overwrite the good files.

To restore data, first reinstall TrackEasy (if necessary). Copy all the data files from the back up medium to the TrackEasy folder (C:\TrackEasy). Or you can run the program Restore.exe which you will find in your TrackEasy folder.


22. Point of sales equipment

22.1 Barcode scanners
TrackEasy is compatible with bar code scanners, which you may use for entering customer, rental stock and merchandise numbers.

Keyboard wedge barcode scanners are recommended. They require no additional software – the PC simply accepts data from the scanner as if it were coming from the keyboard. CCD types (charge coupled device) should be adequate.

22.2 Receipt printers
TrackEasy is compatible with receipt printers such as the Epson TM series, provided the Windows driver has been installed. The software automatically recognizes when a receipt printer is in use – you do not have to change the program set up.

If your receipt printer is printing slowly you may be able to increase the speed by selecting Receipt printer speed from the Print options submenu of the Setup menu and checking the box to use the printer font.

22.3 Cash drawers
TrackEasy is compatible with cash drawers which connect to the receipt printer (such as MMF cash drawers). See section 17 on print options. You can also set up the program for a serially connected cash drawer by clicking on Serial/USB cash drawer from the Setup menu and selecting the appropriate COM or USB port. Some serial cash drawers require a different serial command. If your serial cash drawer does not work with TrackEasy, please contact GrenSoft.

To open a cash drawer for a no sale, click on Open cash drawer from the Transactions menu.

22.4 Pole displays
To set up a pole display, select Pole display from the Setup menu. Select the type of connection for the display, and indicate whether the display emulates Logic Controls or Epson pole displays.


23. Reports

23.1 Accounts

History: Reports on transactions affecting customers’ account balances over a specified period.

Interim (monthly) payments: Reports on interim payments made by all customers over a specified period.

Miscellaneous outgoings: Reports on miscellaneous outgoings for a specified period.

Miscellaneous receipts: Reports on miscellaneous receipts for a specified period.

Receipts: Report on receipts for a specified period. You may also specify the employee. The report shows monies actually received, and does not include payments made by the post to account method.

Revenue: Report on revenue for a specified period. You may also specify the employee. The report shows actual revenue, and includes payments made by the post to account method but not prepayments and deposits.

Shift summary: Report on receipts for a specified shift. The shift start and end dates and times default to the start of the TrackEasy session, and the current time. You may also specify the employee.

23.2 Coupons

Reports on coupons which are currently in effect.

23.3 Current status

Reports on the current status: number of customers, number of rental stock items, number of loans, etc.

23.4 Customers

Account history: Displays the transactions that have affected a customer’s account balance since a specified date.

Activity: Reports on the activity (number of rentals) of all customers since a specified date. The report can be sorted alphabetically, in descending order of the number of rentals or ascending order.

Balances: Reports on customers with outstanding balances. The report shows the current balance, and balances outstanding for 30, 60 and 90 days.

Blocked customers: Displays a list of customers who have been blocked using the check box on the customer details screen.

Current rentals (general info): Displays a customer’s current rentals, showing general information.

Current rentals (order # & address): Displays a customer’s current rentals, showing order numbers and delivery addresses.

Interim (monthly) payments: Reports on interim payments made by a particular customer over a specified period.

Late returns: Displays details of a customer’s late returns since a specified date.

List customers: Lists the details of all customers.

Rental history: Displays the details of a customer’s rentals for a specified period.

Returns history: Displays the details of a customer’s returns for a specified period.

Sales history: Displays the details of a customer’s purchases for a specified period.

Special customers: Lists the details of special customers

Status of rentals: Reports on the status of customers’ current rentals, showing the cost of the rental up to the current date, the amount paid and the balance for each rental transaction.

23.5 Rental stock

Availability - next: Reports on the next availability of rental stock. Identify the rental stock. The stock number will be used only to identify the description, type and capacity of the rental stock. If the rental stock is currently available, you will be advised. If the rental stockt is on loan, you will be advised of the earliest availability.

Availability – period: Displays a list of rental stock of a specified description, type and capacity which is available for the whole of a specified period.

Hours since inspection: Displays a list of rental stock, showing the number of hours of usage since the last inspection date. This us useful if rental stock items have hour meters to record the actual hours used.

To include rental stock in this report, when rental stock is returned from rental you should enter the number of hours from the hour meter, and make the number of days, number of weeks, etc, all zero.

Kits: Reports on the composition of rental stock kits.

List rental stock: Displays the general details of all rental stock. The list can be sorted according to type and/or capacity.

Meter hours: Displays a list of rental stock meter hour readings. The meter readings are updated when rental stock is rented and returned.

Rates: Lists rental stock, showing rental rates. The list can be sorted according to type and/or capacity.

Rental history: Displays the rentals for an item of rental stocksince a specified date.

Return on investment: Displays a list of rental stock showing the return on investment for each item. It does not include bulk rental items.

The report is based on completed rentals (ie the rental stock has been rented and returned) and does not include current rentals.

Revenue: Shows the revenue from rental stock for a specified period. Select the type and capacity if appropriate, and enter the start and end dates for the report.

The report is based on completed rentals (ie the rental stock has been rented and returned) and does not include current rentals.

Status (by type): Displays a list of all rental stock of a specified type, showing whether the rental stock is in stock or on loan (shows return date and renter) and the next reservation (if any).

Summary: Lists rental stock showing total quantity and quantity in stock.

Type, capacity and location: Lists rental stock, showing types, capacities and locations. The list can be sorted according to type, capacity and location. You can also choose to list rental stock in stock, on loan, or both.

Utilization: Displays the percentage utilization of rental stock items since a specified date. The list can be sorted according to type and/or capacity. The report can also be sorted alphabetically, in descending order of the percentage utilization or ascending order. It does not include bulk rental items.

23.6 Holidays

Reports on holidays, showing whether the holiday recurs annually.

23.7 Merchandise

Categories & locations: lists stock, showing categories and locations.

List stock: Lists all merchandise. This report can be filtered by supplier, category and location.

23.8 Rentals

Collections: Displays details of collections for a specified date.

Current loans (delivery address): Displays details of all current loans, showing the delivery addresses.

Current loans (general info): Displays details of all current loans, showing general information.

Daily returns due: Displays rentals due for return on a specified date.

Deliveries: Displays details of deliveries for a specified date.

Incomplete returns: Reports on short returns of bulk items for a specified period.

Overdue rentals: Displays rentals which are overdue for return. You may specify the number of days by which the rental must be overdue to appear in the report. If you have enabled SMS messaging you can click on an item to send an SMS message to the customer.

Period report: Displays details of all rentals for a specified period.

Reservations – daily report: Displays a list of reservations for a specified date. You may choose whether individual items in kits are displayed.

Reservations – list all: Displays a list of current reservations. You may choose whether individual items in kits are displayed, and whether the reservations are sorted by date.

Returns: Displays details of all rental returns over a specified period.

Service history - all rental stock: Displays details of all services for a specified period.

Service history - single item: Displays the service history of a single item of rental stock over a specified period.

23.9 Sales

Merchandise summary: Displays a summary of merchandise sales, showing the quantity sold and revenue for each item, for a specified period.

Period report - rental stock: Displays details of all rental stock sales during a specified period.

Period report - merchandise: Displays details of all merchandise sales during a specified period.

Returns: Displays details of merchandise returns for a specified period.

23.10 Transactions

Cancelled transactions: Reports on transactions which have been cancelled over a specified period. The period refers to the transaction date rather than the date of cancellation.

Transactions history: Provides a summary of transactions, in order of transaction number, for a specified period. Transactions shown as “Incomplete” are those that have been cancelled before they were saved.


24. Special customers

TrackEasy allows you to set up an option for special customers who pay an annual fee and are entitled to rent a specified number of rental stock items at any one time without paying any additional charges. To set up this option, select Special customers from the Setup menu.

You can then specify special customers when using the Add customer function by checking the appropriate box. Enter the fee which has been paid, the date the fee was paid and the number of items the customer is allowed to have on rental at any time. You will be asked if you are accepting the fee at this time (the fee may have been paid previously).

When a special customer rents stock, there will be no charge provided the number of rental items does not exceed the customer’s allowance.

To accept an annual payment from a special customer, select Accept annual payment from the Customers menu. Enter the fee to be paid, the number of items which can be rented, the effective payment date, and specify the method of payment. Check the appropriate box if you wish to print a receipt.


25. Printing invoices and statements

Printing/emailing individual invoice
You can print or email an invoice for a customer who has an outstanding account balance by clicking on the invoice icon on the toolbar or selecting Print/email individual invoice from the Print invoice(s) submenu of the Customers menu.

Identify the customer, then select the transactions which you wish to include on the invoice by clicking on the transaction then clicking on the Select button.

A sequential invoice number will be generated by the program, but you may overwrite this number if you wish.

If you wish to print a message at the bottom of the invoice, you should enter the text by clicking on Invoice text from the Print options submenu of the Setup menu.

Printing all invoices
You can print invoices for all customers who have outstanding balances by selecting Print all invoices from the Print invoice(s) submenu of the Customers menu.

You may opt to print invoices only for customers whose customer name starts within a specified range of letters, which is useful if your printer runs out of ink part way through the printing process.

All unpaid transactions will be included in the invoice.

Printing /emailing statements
Click on Print/email statement from the Customers menu. Identify the customer. The usual invoice text will be printed at the bottom of the statement.

You can also print and email invoices and statements by running the Balances report from the Customers submenu of the Reports menu.


26. Reserving rental stock for rental

TrackEasy allows you to reserve rental stock for a specified date and time.

To make a reservation, select Reserve rental stock from the Reservations submenu of the Rental stock menu, click on the calendar icon on the toolbar or press CTRL+R.

Identify the customer, and then the item of rental stock. Enter the date and time the rental stock is required, and the rental period. If the rental stock is to be delivered, check the box and enter the delivery address if different from the customer address. If you wish to add more items of the same description, type and capacity for the same period, check the box and enter the number of items to reserve.

You may also apply a prepayment to the reservation. When the reservation is converted into a rental, the prepayment will offset part of the cost of the rental.

If the rental period for the reservation is one day or less you will have the option to repeat the reservation every one, two, three or four weeks. Check the box to repeat the reservation and select the repeat period and the number of times you wish the reservation to be repeated.

To cancel a reservation, select Cancel reservation from the Reservations submenu of the Rental stock menu. Identify the customer, highlight the reservation from the list and click on OK. You will be asked if you wish to cancel all reserved items for this customer for the same date and time. If the customer has made a prepayment for the reservation, you will be asked if you wish to cancel the prepayment.

To change the date and/or time of a reservation, select Change date/time from the reservations submenu of the Rental stock menu.

Identify the customer and select the reservation from the list. Enter the new date and/or select the new time. If you wish to modify all reservations made by the customer for the original date and time, check the box.

You will not be able to change the date or time if the rental stock is already rented or reserved for part of the new reservation period.

To print out the details of a reservation, select Print reservation from the Reservations submenu of the Rental stock menu. Identify the customer, and select the reservation to be printed from the list. If there are kits in the reservation, check the box to list individual rental stock items in the kit.

Reservations will be automatically deleted from the database when the reservation date has passed.


27. Deposits (special option) and payment on return

If your company has a policy where the deposit covers the cost of the rental, and the balance is paid when the rental stock is returned in good condition, you can set it up by selecting Deposits from the Setup menu.

For example, if the cost of the rental is $50 and the deposit is $200, the customer pays $200 at the time of rental and the balance of $200 is refunded when the rental stock is returned.

If your company has the policy whereby customers can pay for rentals on the return of the rental stock, you can set it up by checking the appropriate box.


28. Company logo

You may set up TrackEasy so that your company logo is printed on receipts and invoices. Select Company logo from the Print options submenu of the Setup menu and check the box to print the logo.

The logo should be a 24 bit Windows BMP file. You should name the file logo.bmp and save it in the TrackEasy folder. The file should be no more than 200 pixels in height or it might interfere with the rest of the printing.


29. Customer email addresses and mailing list

Mailing list
TrackEasy enables you to create a data source for Microsoft Word mail merge.

Click on Export mailing list from the Customers menu to create the data source.

A file, mailmerge.dat, will be created in your My Documents folder. To import the file into Microsoft Word, follow these instructions:

  1. Open Microsoft Word and click on Mail Merge from the Tools menu.
  2. Click on Create to select whether you are going to print envelopes or labels.
  3. Click on Get Data, then Open Data Source.
  4. Select the file mailmerge.dat from your My Documents folder.
  5. Insert the merge fields: Customer name, Contact, Address_1, Address_2, Address_3 (separated by 'Enter').

Email addresses
To create a list of customer email addresses select Export email addresses from the Customers menu.

The email addresses will be copied to your clipboard so that you can paste them into the CC or BCC field of your email program.


30. Exporting reports in csv format

You may set up TrackEasy to export reports in comma separated variables (csv format) so that they can be read by Microsoft Excel.

To enable this function select Export reports from the Setup menu and check the box.

Each time a report is displayed the file report.csv will be created in your My Documents folder.


31. Renewing (or extending) rentals

If a customer wishes to renew a rental, or extend the rental period, select Renew from the Renewals submenu of the Rental stock menu, or click on the plus sign on the toolbar.

Identify the customer, and a dialog box will appear showing the customer’s current rentals.

To renew a rental, highlight the rental in the list and click on the Renew button.

Select the period by which you wish to extend the rental. The new return date and time will appear at the bottom of the dialog box. Click on OK.

Repeat the above if you wish to renew more than one item. Enter the percentage discount (if any), which defaults to the usual customer discount or 100% in the case of a special customer, and select the payment method. If you wish to print a receipt, check the box. Click on OK to complete the renewal.

To cancel a renewal, select Cancel renewal from the Renewals submenu. Identify the customer and select the renewal from the list.


32. Editing current rental transactions

To edit a current rental transaction (for example to change the quantities of merchandise which have been sold), select Edit rental transaction from the Transactions menu.

Enter the transaction number (which defaults to the last transaction). The details of the rental transaction will be displayed.

You can edit the details (apart from the rental date and time). Click on OK to save the details.

You will not be allowed to edit a transaction if any of the rental items have been returned.

If a coupon has been redeemed against the transaction or a discount offered, you will have to redeem the coupon or offer the discount once again.

If you wish to increase the deposit on a rental item (for example if the customer has kept the rental stock longer that expected), highlight the rental, click on Change deposit and enter the new deposit.

If you wish to change the rental period (and return date), highlight the rental, click on Change period, and enter the new rental period. If the rental stock is a bulk item you can also change the rental quantity.


33. Kits

TrackEasy allows you to set up kits of rental stock, so that when you are renting or reserving rental stock you can specify a kit instead of the individual rental stock items.

To add a kit to the database, select Add kit from the Kits submenu of the Rental stock menu.

To add rental stock to the kit, click on Add rental stock. Identify the rental stock to be added. The stock number will be used only as a guide to identify the description, type and capacity. Enter the number of items to be added.

To remove an item, highlight the item and click on Remove rental stock.

Enter a unique name for the kit.

You can offer a percentage discount when items are rented as part of kits.

To modify or delete a kit, select Modify kit from the Kits submenu of the Rental stock menu. Select the kit from the drop list.

To reserve a kit, select Reserve kit from the Kits submenu of the Rental stock menu or press CTRL+K. Identify the customer, then select the kit from the drop list. For each different item in the kit, specify the date for the reservation, and the rental period.


34. Opening times

To set up the opening times for your rental shop, select Opening times from the Setup menu.

This is useful, for example if you have hourly rates, and the return time for the rental stock would normally fall outside opening hours. After setting up the opening times, the return time would become the opening time for the following day. Or if the store is closed on a particular day, the return day would be the following day.

Identify the days (if any) when the business is closed by checking the appropriate box(es).

Enter the opening time and closing time (using the 24 hour clock) for the days when the store is not closed.

To disable this function, leave all the fields empty.


35. Holidays

You can set up holidays when your business is closed by selecting Add holiday from the Holidays submenu of the Setup menu.

Enter the date of the holiday. If the holiday recurs annually (eg Christmas Day) check the appropriate box.

If the holiday is not annual, it will be removed from the system after its date has passed.

To remove a holiday, select Remove holiday from the Holidays submenu of the Setup menu. Select the date of the holiday and confirm that you want to remove it.


36. Coupons

TrackEasy allows you to set up coupons which can be redeemed against rentals and sales.

To set up a coupon select Add coupon from the Coupons submenu of the Setup menu. Enter the coupon number, the date the coupon expires and the value of the coupon. The value can either be a fixed amount or a percentage of the cost of the transaction. If you wish to set up a coupon which has a percentage discount but the discount is limited to a certain amount, enter the maximum discount in the field for Discount amount.

To cancel a coupon, select Cancel coupon from the Coupons submenu of the Setup menu. Enter the number of the coupon you wish to cancel. The coupon will remain in the database but its expiration date will be set to a previous date.

To modify a coupon, select Modify coupon from the Coupons submenu of the Setup menu. You can change the expiration date and the value of the coupon.

To generate a report on the current status of coupons, select Coupons from the Reports menu.


37. Password protection

Setup menu items are automatically protected by the Setup password, to prevent unauthorized changes to the setup by employees.

You may also password protect various other functions by selecting Password protection from the Password submenu of the Setup menu.


38. Managing hour meters

If your rental company rents stock with hour meters, and the customer is allowed a certain number of free hours a day after which they pay an additional rental charge for each extra hour, TrackEasy will manage this function.

When setting up a new item of rental stock with an hour meter, set up the daily rate and click on the Hour meter button. Select the number of free hours per day and specify the charge for each additional hour.

The hour meter data will be applied to all rental stock of the same description, type and capacity.

When you rent an item of rental stock with an hour meter, if the rental is not a weekend rental, you will be asked to specify the current hour meter reading for the outgoing rental stock. The reading will be printed on the rental contract.

When you return an item of rental stock with an hour meter, you will be asked to specify the current hour meter reading, and the program will calculate the additional charge, if any.

If there is an additional charge, the extra hours and the hourly charge will be printed on the receipt.

By default, hour meters only apply to rental days. You can set up TrackEasy so that hour meters also apply to hourly or part day rentals by selecting Rule for hour meters from the Rate options submenu of the Setup menu.


39. Interim (monthly) payments

When a customer has long term rentals and does not pay at the time of rental (ie pays on return) you can accept interim or monthly payments for the rental transaction. This does not apply if the rental uses hourly or annual rates.

To print or email an invoice for an interim payment, select Print/email invoice from the Interim (monthly) payments submenu of the transactions menu. Enter the transaction number and in the next dialog box enter the month and year (mm/yy) for the invoice.

If the return date for the rental has passed, the program will assume that the rental stock is still on loan up to the current date and will calculate the rental charge accordingly.

To accept an interim payment, select Accept payment from the Interim (monthly) payments submenu of the transactions menu. Enter the transaction number and in the next dialog box enter the month and year (mm/yy) for the payment. In the pop-up dialog box which shows the amount payable, select the payment method. If you wish to print a receipt, check the box.

To cancel an interim payment, select Cancel payment from the Interim (monthly) payments submenu of the transactions menu. Enter the transaction number and in the next dialog box enter the month and year (mm/yy) of the payment to be cancelled.

Monthly payments cannot be cancelled if the rental stock which was paid for has been returned.

If you try to accept payment for a transaction and month for which the payment has been received you will be alerted to the fact, and you will be able to proceed in order to print the receipt without the amount being credited twice.


40. Quotations

To obtain a quotation for the rental of an item of rental stock, select Quotation from Quotations submenu of the Rental stock menu or click on the Quotation (Q) icon on the toolbar.

You will be asked if the quotation is for a specific customer (in which case you should identify the customer) or a general enquiry. If you specify the customer the quotation will be saved so that you can print it out at a later date and use it to create a rental.

Identify the rental stock (click on the appropriate button if you wish to include a kit in the quotation) and enter the rental period.

You will be asked if you wish to obtain a quotation for another item of rental stock.

Finally you will be asked if you wish to print or email the quotation.

To print or email an existing quotation, select Print/email existing quotation from the Quotations submenu of the Rental stock menu. Identify the customer and select the quotation from the list.

To remove old quotations which were generated prior to a specific date, select Remove quotations from the Quotations submenu of the Rental stock menu. Enter the date and confirm that you wish to remove the quotations.


41. Merchandise returns

When a customer purchases merchandise at the time of rental, the merchandise quantities can be changed when the rental stock is returned (in case some items are surplus to requirements).

You can also return merchandise by clicking on Return merchandise from the Returns submenu of the Merchandise menu. This is useful if a customer returns merchandise which is faulty.

Enter the name of the customer. Identify the merchandise to be returned, then enter the quantity to be returned and the refund (which defaults to the quantity multiplied by the sales price).

You will be asked if you wish to return more merchandise from the same customer. When you have finished returning items, the total refund will be shown. Select the payment method for the refund. If you wish to print a summary, check the appropriate box.

To cancel a return of merchandise, select Cancel return from the Returns submenu of the Merchandise menu. Enter the date of the return (which defaults to the current date) and double click on the return or highlight it and click on the Cancel return button.


42. Rental stock service history

TrackEasy allows you to track rental stock’s service history.

To add the details of a service, select Add service from the Service history submenu of the Rental stock menu. Identify the rental stock. Enter the date of the service (which defaults to the current date), the cost of the service, and any comments.

To cancel a service, select Cancel a service from the Service history submenu of the Rental stock menu. Identify the rental stock. Select the service from the list and click on the Cancel service button. Confirm that you wish to cancel the service.

This function does not apply to bulk rental items.


43. Changing rates en masse

There may be times when you wish to change all your rental stock rental rates en masse by a fixed percentage.

Select Change rates from the Rate options submenu of the Setup menu.

You can choose to restrict the changes to rental stock of a particular type or capacity.

Enter the percentage increase in rates and confirm that you wish to change the rates. To reduce the rates, enter a negative percentage.


44. Blocking customers

To block an individual customer from renting or reserving rental stock, search for the customer and check the Block customer box on the customer details screen. This function is protected by the Setup password.

To block all customers who have an account balance greater than a specified amount, select Block customers from the Customers submenu of the Setup menu. Enter the account balance and specify whether the customers should be fully blocked, or whether an alert should be generated.


45. Rule for one day rentals

By default, one day rentals should be returned within 24 hours.

You have the option of specifying different return times for rentals issued before a certain time and those issued after that time. For example, you could specify that rentals issued before noon have to be returned by a specified time the same evening, and those issued after noon should be returned by a specified time the next morning.

You may also specify that the rental stock must be returned by a certain time on the same day.

The rule will also apply to reservations.

To set up this option, select Rule for one day rentals from the Rate options submenu of the Setup menu.


46. Accessing WorkTracer customers

WorkTracer is GrenSoft’s repair shop software. If you are running both TrackEasy and WorkTracer, you can access the WorkTracer customer database from TrackEasy.

For this to take place, both programs must be installed on the same drive. For example, WorkTracer would be installed in C:\WorkTracer, and TrackEasy in C:\TrackEasy.

If the two programs are installed correctly, when you add a new customer there will be a prompt for Find in WorkTracer database. Click on Yes, then enter the customer number or the first few characters of the customer’s name or the last 4 digits of the phone number. TrackEasy will then search the WorkTracer database for the customer and enter the details.

Please note that this is the limit of the integration between the two programs. For example customer account balances are stored separately in the two programs. Also, if customer details are edited in one program, the changes will not automatically appear in the other.


47. Miscellaneous outgoing and receipts

TrackEasy allows you to keep a record of miscellaneous payments made and received that are not payments for rentals or sales.

Select Outgoings or Receipts from the Miscellaneous outgoings/receipts submenu of the Transactions menu to make or receive a payment respectively.

Select the type of payment from the list, or enter the type of payment and click on the Add button.

Enter the amount paid, the name of the person receiving or making the payment (if appropriate) and any comments. Select the method of payment.


48. Sub components

As an alternative to using kits for items of rental stock that are normally rented together, you can create rental items that consist of sub components.

Add the item of rental stock in the normal way by clicking on the hand drill icon on the toolbar, selecting Add rental stock from the Rental stock menu, or pressing the F7 key.

Click on the Sub components button and add the sub components to the list by entering the quantity and the part number and/or the description, then clicking on the Add button. You can remove a sub component by selecting the item from the list and clicking on the Remove button. You can also print the list of sub components by clicking on the Print button.

You can also add and edit sub components by searching for the item of rental stock then clicking on the Sub components button. Remember to click on Save when you close the rental stock details box.

When you rent or return an item of rental stock which has sub components and print the contract or receipt, you will be asked if you wish to print the list of sub components.


49. Basing daily rental rates on weekly rates

TrackEasy has the option to base daily rental rates on weekly rates when the rental period is 7 days or more.

For example, if the weekly rate were $50.00 and the rental period were 10 days, the cost of the rental would be (10 x 50.00) / 7.

When the rental period is less than 7 days, the usual daily rates apply.

To set up this option, select Daily rate based on Weekly rate from the Rates option submenu of the Setup menu.


50. Printing barcode labels

TrackEasy allows you to print labels for rental and sales stock.

To print labels for rental stock select Print labels from the Rental stock menu. You can also print labels when adding rental stock and from the rental stock details screen after searching for rental stock.

To print labels for sales stock select Print labels from the Merchandise menu. You can also print labels when adding merchandise and from the merchandise details screen after searching for merchandise.

The labels print on a label printer such as a Brother QL-500. We recommend 29mm x 90mm labels.

TrackEasy should get the size and orientation of the labels from the printer driver. If this is not the case you can set up these parameters by selecting Labelling from the Print options submenu of the Setup menu.


51. Stocktaking

Use this command to perform a stock taking operation on rental stock.

To register the rental items in your store, click on the Add item button and scan or type in the item number of every item in the store.

When you have entered all the items, click on the Create report button to list all the items that have not been accounted for.

The report will not include:

To start a new stock take click on the Start new stock take button. When you do this the data from the previous stock take will be deleted.

Bulk rental items are not included in the stock taking.


52. Checking stock availability

Use this command to check the availability of an item of a certain description, type and capacity.

Identify the item. The program will show the number of items of the specified description, type and capacity which are currently in stock.


53. SMS text messaging

TrackEasy allows you to send SMS text messages to clients. Select SMS text messaging from the Setup menu. To use this feature you must first set up an account with one of the gateways listed and they will provide you with the necessary details.

Enter your country code if required. For example if you were in the UK you would enter the country code 44 and check the box to remove the leading zero from phone numbers.

All except CDyne use email to SMS, so you should configure your email before sending messages.


54. Removing inactive customers

TrackEasy allows you to remove customers who have been inactive for a certain number of years. Select Remove inactive customers from the Customers submenu of the Setup menu and specify the number of years of inactivity.


55. Calculation of change

TrackEasy allows you to calculate change to the nearest 5 cents. To set up this option select Calculation of change from the Country options submenu of the Setup menu.


56. Booking chart

You can display a booking chart for rental stock of a specified type and capacity. Select Booking chart from the Rental stock submenu of the Reports menu or press Ctrl+B. The chart will show rentals, reservations and unavailability for a 90 day period.


57. Reminders

You can set up a reminder by selecting Add reminder from the Reminders menu or by clicking on the light bulb icon on the toolbar. Select the date and time when you wish to be reminded and enter the action required.

When the date and time has been reached the reminder will be displayed. You may choose to repeat the reminder after a specified number of hours, days or weeks. Otherwise the reminder will be removed from the system.

You may edit or delete a reminder by selecting Edit reminder from the Reminders menu.


58. The WebLink module

The WebLink module allows customers to reserve rental items online and also check the availability of sales stock.

You should link one of the existing pages of your Web site to the reservations page which is uploaded by TrackEasy using the WebLink. The name of the file which starts the reservations process is res_1.php. To allow customers to check the availability of sales stock you should link to the file stock.php.

You can also show images of sales stock online. The image should be a jpg file and the file name should be based on the stock number, so if the stock number is 123456 the image file should be 123456.jpg. You should upload the images manually using FTP to the folder containing the PHP files.

To set up the WebLink, select WebLink from the Setup menu. The required fields are:

You may also change the appearance of the php generated Web pages by clicking on the Web page options button. Here you can change the font, the text colour, the page background colour and the table background colour. If these options are not flexible enough and you are familiar with HTML and PHP you can edit the php files which are uploaded by TrackEasy. These are res_1.php, res_2.php, res_3.php, res_4, res_5 and res_6.php.

To enable the ftp transfer check the Enable connection box.

You can upload the WebLink files by selecting Upload WebLink files from the File menu, clicking on the two computers icon on the toolbar or pressing Ctrl + U.

Each time TrackEasy connects to the Internet, any reservations made online are downloaded. You can convert these online reservations into bookings by selecting Reservation from Internet from the Reservations submenu of the Rental stock menu or by clicking on the IR icon on the toolbar. You will also be notified of the reservations by email.

Please note that the availability of rental stock is not checked online and is only determined when you convert the Internet reservations.

59. Data protection (GDPR compliance, UK version only)

Your customers might decide that they do not want to be notified of offers, etc, by email, SMS, phone or post. To record their preferences, click on the Data protection button on the customer details screen and uncheck the appropriate boxes.

If you uncheck post, for example, the customer will be excluded from the mailmerge (Customers menu -> Export mailing list). If you uncheck email, the customer will be excluded from the exported email addresses and you will see an alert when you try to email the customer.

If you wish to remove customers who have been inactive for a long period from the database, select Remove inactive customers from the Customers submenu of the Setup menu.


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